The Akbaraly Foundation develops sustainable, integrated projects according to a scalable model that can be easily reproduced, based on the real needs of the countries and people involved.
Our goal is to promote the right to health, which we see holistically as the possibility to reach a state of complete physical, psychological and social wellbeing, and not just as the absence of disease.
Care for the People, Life for the World

Our Strategy

Our projects follow four main steps: the first one is advocacy, both nationally and at a global level, which allows us to become an active participant in the definition of public policies and budget allocation and to facilitate engagement and collective action.
At the same time, we carry out awareness-raising activities dedicated to the local population, which have achieved incredible results over the years, involving hundreds of thousands of people in our health, education and awareness actions.
We also focus strongly on education and on the continuous training of our staff, to guarantee the quality and continuity of our services.
Another fundamental step involves prevention and treatment: two key elements to provide a real, concrete improvement in the quality of life of our beneficiaries.
All our actions are integrated by a large-scale project dedicated to scientific, epidemiological and statistical research, whose results have been presented during international conferences organized by the AORTIC (Africa Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer) and by the UICC (International Union Against Cancer) of whom our Foundation is an active member.


Each project developed by the Akbaraly Foundation stems from a number of values that we all share:
One of the Foundation's main goals is to expand its services in other areas of Madagascar, especially in highly vulnerable areas where the population cannot access neither public nor private resources.
The Foundation also wants to become a reference point, both in Africa and in other developing countries, offering consultancy and training activities to support organization and countries that wish to replicate the success of our model projects.